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Armed Forces Week 2024
Haverhill, Suffolk

Armed Forces Day Logo

Haverhill was designated
the Armed Forces Week
lead town in Suffolk for 2024

We commemorated the 80th anniversary of Operation Overlord (D-Day) on 6th June.
Here is a video of the event

We commemorated the event on Armed Forces Day (29th June).

Armed Forces Week started with a flag raising commemoration on Monday 24th June with Armed Forces Day itself on Saturday 29th June when we had stalls, entertainment and much more on the Market Square.

A short military based convoy, with supporters, progressed from the Arts Centre car park at 11.00 am, proceeded up Duddery Hill, Clements Lane, Camps Road and finishing on the Market Square at 11.15 am where the vehicles parked for the rest of the event.

More information will be updated here as details are confirmed.

Thursday 6th June 2024 11.00 am:
Short service. Rev'd Max Drinkwater who will read a proclamation, raising of the D-Day 80 flag, lighting of The Lamp Light of Peace, and the playing of the Last Post to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day, on the Market Square. With the Mayor of Haverhill Councillor David Smith and others. Everybody is welcome.

Monday 24th June 2024 2.00 pm:
A short service was held with the raising of the Armed Forces Flag on the Market Square to mark the start of Armed Forces Week. With the Mayor of Haverhill Councillor David Smith, Rev'd Max Drinkwater, Bryan Mills (Chair Royal British Legion Haverhill & Thurlow Branch) and others.

Armed Forces Week flag raising 24th June 2024

Saturday 29th June 2024 11.00 am:
Armed Forces Convoy sets off from rear of Arts Centre proceeding up Duddery Hill, along Clements Lane, then Camps Road arriving on the Market Square at around 11.15 am.

Armed Forces Day 2024 Convoy Route

Saturday 29th June 2024 11.20 pm:
Glenmoriston Pipe Band marched and played from Haverhill Arts Centre along the High Street to the Market Square.

Saturday 29th June 2024 12.00 pm:
Official opening of Armed Forces Day by Lt Col Anthony Fairbanks Weston, Deputy Lieutenant for Suffolk.

Saturday 29th June 2024 12.05-12.25 pm:
Entertainment from The Big Sing

Saturday 29th June 2024 12.25-12.40 pm:
Entertainment from the Glenmoriston Pipe Band.

Saturday 29th June 2024 12.40-1.00 pm:
Entertainment from The Big Sing

Saturday 29th June 2024 10.00 am to 3.00 pm:
The event was compered by Danny Grimshaw.

Stalls from the Haverhill Family History Group, Haverhill Local History Museum, Royal British Legion, Lancaster Bomber, 677 Squadron, Veteran's Breakfast Club, Veterans' Lottery, Suffolk Constabulary, Mick Taylor artefacts, and Haverhill Air Cadets were on the Market Square. A children's activities area was run by the Family History Group on their stall.

Stalls from Fishing for Heroes, Duxford Air Museum, Blind Veterans Association and Knife Angel stalls were in St. Mary's churchyard as well as fete stalls from St. Mary's Church.

Saturday 29th June 2024 1.00 pm:
Raising of the three service flags on the Market Square with an introduction by Councillor David Smith, Mayor of Haverhill.

Saturday 29th June 2024 1.30 pm:
Entertainment from Patrick Sneezum

Saturday 29th June 2024 2.00 pm:
Entertainment from Paul Wood

Saturday 29th June 2024 3.00 pm:
Event finished.

Armed Forces Convoy snippet from 2021

A Haverhill Town Council event

Supported by Suffolk Family History Society (Haverhill Group) and the Haverhill & Thurlow Branch of the Royal British Legion